

My Solo Adventure Trek to Paachpokhari Nepal

Embarking on the Paachpokhari trek was a journey of unexpected challenges and invaluable lessons. My initial desire for a cozy holiday at home was replaced by the decision to face the trek head-on. Despite underestimating its difficulty and disregarding essentials, reality checks unfolded at every turn.

The arduous 5.5-hour off-road drive to Chimt shattered illusions of a nearby paradise. Trepidation set in as I tackled the Pachpokhori trail, reminding me never to underestimate nature. Tupidada, my day one rest camp, became a haven, with newfound companions fueling my determination.

Day two’s 90° uphill climb tested my resolve, highlighting the consequences of arrogance. Nashyampati, the lunch point, unveiled reality check three — the world doesn’t pause for my non-celebration. Relying on scant provisions, my inner goddess teetered on the brink of surrender, but my Everest-tested ego refused to yield.

Amidst gloomy weather and frustration, I summoned my conflict goddess, persisting through the challenges. Day three brought the revelation of Paachpokhari’s true nature — a modest puddle surrounded by hills. The climb rewarded me with a breathtaking view, intertwining Hindu and Buddhist elements.

A night of discomfort and low oxygen levels tested my resilience, but morning light revealed the beauty of Paachpokhari. Life lessons emerged: always be prepared, don’t trust misleading promises of easy treks, and embrace challenges with both humility and determination.

As I scaled down, homeward bound, the journey’s end became clear. My inner goddess and brain aligned in energy, marking the triumph of perseverance. The trek may have been tough, but its teachings resonate: preparation is key, and trust must be earned, not assumed, especially in the realm of adventure.

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Written by Prateema Pandey

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